Romantic Love Quotes for Her

Romantic Love Quotes for Her - Hallo sahabat kisah sukses motivasi, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul Romantic Love Quotes for Her, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan Artikel Love Quotes, yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

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I have a reason why I love you and it is connected to beauty. I love you not because you possess beauty but because after coming into my life, you have turned my life into beauty.
~ Warner Sue

Sometimes I find it hard to believe how cool our relationship is. We laugh, we have fun and still love each other so deeply. I really hope with all my heart that I never have to live without you.
~ Gillian Bounty

I think its been a long time since I told you how precious you are to me. This relationship means so much to me and I would never give up on it no matter what. I truly love you with all my heart.
~ Cornelius Don

You make my living worth-while. You enlighten my days and make them so bright. You are my angel
with whom I wish to be with forever. You are a treasure of a lifetime.
~ Julius Brown

Your charm and beauty is one among a million. I desire nobody
but you. You light the spark within me and make me feel as good as new. You’re my only one and I want you to know that till the end of my days I will love you.
~ Nathan Wood

The warmth of your touch I cherish. I need you besides me my love. To know that you are there for me
makes me feel at ease. My darling loving you I will never cease.
~Tim Roberts

You are my sunrise. Your smile lights up my world. I could give anything just to see you happy. True love is not in getting things from others but in giving and sharing more and more.
~William Bernhardt

Come to me my love, let me be your hiding place. When things get tough let me be your shelter. I
promise to be true and love you like no one ever has.
~ James Samson

Love birds never separate and they say birds of a feather flock together. Even animals and birds know the language of love. Love is all abounding and romance is a beautiful part of it.
~ Melba Strauss

If there is anything that I do for you when you are away, then it is to think about you...dream about you and miss you badly.
~ Lorna Zoe

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